• 2021-04-14
    3. Where is the pet store?
  • On the third floor


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      Where is shoe counter A: In the back of the store B: In the front of the store. C: On the right of the stor

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      Where is shoe counter A: In the back of the store B: In the front of the store. C: On the right of the store.

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      ​Which of the following definitions are not proper.‌ A: Swimming is when you propel yourself through the water with parts of your body. B: Swimming is a sport in which you propel yourself through the water with parts of your body. C: A department store is a store where all kinds of commodities are bought. D: A department store is a place where all kinds of commodities are bought.

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      Conversation 2 Where is Ben going() A: The pet’s shop. B: The station. C: The hospital. D: The cinema.

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      ________ a store or salesperson uses this technique, you often get excited. A: If B: Where C: When D: Because