• 2021-04-14
    The signs of shock during the termination of a fever are
  • small pulse, cold skin, sweating


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      During the 3rd stage of cultural shock, intercultural travelers usually have a better feeling of their communication competence.

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      The basic pathological changes of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is : A: Extensive systemic damage to small vessels B: Hypovolemic shock C: Acute intravascular coagulation D: Acute renal failure

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      What are alterations of<br/>metabolism and function in DIC (disseminated intravascular<br/>coagulation)? () A: shock B: bleeding C: organ dysfunction D: fever E: microangiopathic hemolytic<br/>anemia

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      4. Different from the early stage of shock, the changes of skin mucosa during shock are characterized by: A: A. Pallor. B: B. Sweat dripping. C: C. Cool clammy limbs. D: D. Cyanosis or mottling of the skin and mucosa.

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      Which of the following is the primaryclinical manifestation of measles during the eruptive period? A: Fever B: Typical rash C: Brown pigmentation D: Measles mucosal spots