• 2021-04-14
    In a binomial distribution,
  • the probability of event of interest π is stable from trial to trial.


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      A standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with:

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      The percentage distribution cannot be constructed from the frequency distribution directly.

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      【单选题】某小麦品种在田间出现变异植株的概率为0.0045,今调查100株,恰好有2株出现变异的概率用SAS命令计算语句正确的是:【 】 A. probbnml(0.0045,100,2); B. 1- probbnml(0.0045,100,2); C. cdf("BINOMIAL",2,0.0045,100); D. cdf("BINOMIAL",2,0.0045,100)-cdf("BINOMIAL",1,0.0045,100);

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      As a general rule, the normal distribution is used to approximate the sampling distribution of the sample mean only if

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      The distribution bending moment in the moment distribution method is equal to: A: Fixed end bending moment B: Distal bending moment C: The inverse of the unbalanced moment is multiplied by the distribution coefficient D: Multiplying the bending moment of the fixed end by the distribution coefficient