• 2021-04-14
    When you introduce yourself, you can start with :
  • I’m… --- My name is…


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      ‎A monologue, as a form of self-introduction speech, means __________.‍‎‍ A: you just stand up and introduce yourself B: you just stand up and introduce one of your friends C: you introduce yourself to one team D: you introduce a colleague to your team

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      Only when you do it yourself ____________ how hard the work is. A: you can understand B: can you understand C: can understand D: understand you

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      中国大学MOOC: How will you do when you are in trouble and you can’t solve it all by yourself? ( )

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      You can introduce the city to the visitor when first meeting visitor.( )

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      While writing an invitation letter, to ensure the receiver is going to attend, you can introduce the background of yourself or the organization you represent in great detail.