• 2021-04-14
    All their answers were recorded
  • 正确


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      The correct choice is (). A: They were all female. B: They were in middle age. C: They were all right-handed. D: They were all from Edinburgh.

    • 1

      Confucius’ words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in_______ .

    • 2

      Five answers in my exam were wrong.I made______ in my exam.

    • 3

      All events relating to the voyage, such as ship’s position, speed and details of the weather, are recorded in ______.

    • 4

      所有学生都被要求写一篇文章。 A: All the students were required to write an essay. B: All the students were forced to write an essay. C: All the students were required to write a essay. D: All the students were required to write an song.