• 2021-04-14
    Before the industrial revolution, the most important resources were ( ) in agricultural society
  • Land and water


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      The most important writer in the Engish Bourgeois Revolution is _____.

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      The Industrial Revolution may have played a very important role in the birth of the American cities.

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      According to Harris Miller, __________. A: many countries in the world are short of IT workers B: IT workers are essential to the industrial revolution C: IT workers are essential to the development of today' s society D: iron ore is as important as IT workers in the course of social development

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      The computer revolution may well change society as __________ as did the Industrial Revolution. A: certainly B: insignificantly C: fundamentally D: comparatively

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      In the sweatshops in Britain during the Industrial Revolution, the laborers ______ day and night. A: made to work B: were made to work C: were made work D: were made working