• 2021-04-14
    Fifty–two percent were___________ about the idea.
  • unsure


    • 0

      What will Mr. Grant do to Mr. Scott’s idea A: He will think about Mr. Scott’s idea. B: He will copy Mr. Scott’s idea. C: He will object to Mr. Scott’s idea.

    • 1

      The two girls sat in a comer exchanging (confident) ______ about the task they were given.

    • 2

      About ______ films were shown during the 5th Shanghai International Film Festival. A: two hundred of B: two hundreds of C: two hundred D: two hundreds

    • 3

      How tall is Bill? A: About one meter fifty B: About one meter eighty five C: About one meter fifty eight

    • 4

      Determining the main idea. The main idea of the story is that_____.