• 2021-04-14
    We are attaching a(n)______ report from SGS evidencing the short delivered weight of 1150 kilograms.
  • survey


    • 0

      These goods are about 50 kilograms ______ weight and they are sold _____ weight. A: in; in B: in; by C: on; by D: y; by

    • 1

      What do we learn about Audrey Hepburn from the news report?

    • 2

      Which of these would be measured in kilograms? 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选出正确答案。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: The distance to school from home B: The weight of a bag of apples

    • 3

      We can _________(推断,推定)from the report that hackers from outside of the company present a more seirous threat to their security systems.

    • 4

      Theshopkeeper gave us_____ weight; we got 9 kilos instead of 10 kilos. A: scare B: short C: light D: slight