• 2021-04-14
    Managers are assumed to use ________ if they make logical and consistent choices to maximize value.
  • rational decision making


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      In intuitive decision making, managers ________. A: often tend to ignore their feelings or emotions B: use data from their subconscious(潜意识) mind to help make their decisions C: use available evidence to improve their decision-making skills D: do not depend on their past experiences to make decisions

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      智慧职教: 9、Maximum Logical Value表示?

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      The new value created by labor commodity in the production process is( ) A: The labor value B: The sum of surplus value and labor force value. C: Commodity value D: Surplus value

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      Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm.

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      You needn’t use a consistent format when taking minutes.