• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following countries is labeled as low-context culture?
  • Germany


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      Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?

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      According to the high-context/low-context continuum identified by Edward T. Hall, communication in a low-context culture depends on: A: the context B: who says it C: when it is said D: how it is said E: the verbal expression

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      Which of the following is NOT true about low-context cultures? ( )。 A: The verbal message contains most of the information and very little is embedded in the context or the participant’s nonverbal activity. B: Low-context communication is often vague, indirect and implicit. C: It is considered a good thing to “get to the point” in low-context communication. 、 D: It is important to be able to “speak up” and “say what’s on their mind” in low-context cultures.

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      Which of the countries does not belong to the individualist culture?

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      中国大学MOOC: In low context culture hinting at something is an effective way of getting what you want.