• 2021-04-14
    The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the 5th century.

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      The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8 th and 5 th centuries BC.

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      When was this town built A: In the 13th century, B: In the 14th century. C: In the 15th century. D: In the 16th century.

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      The first known settlers of Britain were _______. A: the Jutes B: the Celts C: the Saxons D: the Iberians

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      1. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____. A: the Normans B: the Celts C: the Iberians D: the Anglo-Saxons

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      The name of England came from the ________. A: Angles B: Saxons C: Jutes D: Celts