• 2021-04-14
    Legislation consists of two houses.One is _,the other is_
  • The Senate  The house of Representative


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      An argument consists of one or more premises and two conclusions.

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      The U. S. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses: the House of Lordsand the House of Representatives.

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      He has two daughters. ____ is a nurse, ____ is an editor. A: one ... another ... B: one ... other ... C: one ... the other ...

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      I have two novels. One is in English and _____ is in Japanese. A: the other B: other one C: another D: other

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      The United States Congress consists of two houses, the Senate and ______.( ) A: the house of commons B: the house of Lords C: the House of Representatives D: the cabinet