• 2021-04-14
    In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America.
  • France


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      中国大学MOOC:"The peace treaty was signed in 1776, in which the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the 13 states were acknowledged.";

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      There are seven continents in the world, including Europe. _______.Africa.Antarctica.North America and South America.

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      Yosemite Falls is the highest one in both North America and South America.

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      In December 1954, the U.S. government signed a ______ with the Chiang Kaishek regime on Taiwan, committing itself to the defence of Taiwan and Penghu. A: Mutual Defence Treaty B: Taiwan Relation Act C: New Frontier D: peaceful Treaty

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      What is the Apology Resolution? A: A document signed by the Americans to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani. B: A document signed by Bill Clinton to acknowledge that the Native Hawaiian people never wanted to be part of America. C: A document signed by the Polynesians to officially be annexed to the United States.