• 2021-04-14
    Free climbing is an extreme sport.
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      越来越多的人参加极限运动。(participate in) More and more people participate in Extreme sport.

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      ______ point along an ever increasingly harder route. While not an Olympic event, rock climbing is 3. ______ by the International Olympic Committee as a sport. Rock climbing has been

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      ______ ,and balance along with their mental control. It can be a dangerous sport and climbers are 10. ______ when they go climbing However, the risk can be reduced by having the knowledge of proper climbing techniques and using specialized climbing equipment.

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      Section ADirections: There are 5 recorded dialogues in this section. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. When you hear a question, choose the correct answer.[音频] A: An indoor sport. B: A water sport. C: A team sport. D: A ball sport

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      ______ to catch fallers. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport that tests a climber's strength,