• 2021-04-14
    She mored_the city,where jobs are available.
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      He asked ______________________. A: where does she live B: where did she live C: where she lived D: where lived she

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      News report 2--- 2. According to the survey, what jobs are available to those dropouts? A: Jobs that are very dangerous. B: Jobs that are low-paying and boring. C: Jobs that have little chance of success. D: Jobs that require long working hours.

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      Where was the airport? A: to the west of the city B: to the north of the city C: to the northeast of the city D: to the east of the city

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      4. She had two jobs while she was training to be a secretary.

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      I don't know ______. A: where does she live B: where she lives C: where lives she