• 2022-06-04
    Which of the following methods is not included in gene diagnosis?
    A: Gene targeting
    B: PCR
    C: Nucleic acid hybridization
    D: Gene chip
  • A


    • 0

      The formation of corn color is mainly due to which of the following ways: A: Horizontal gene transfer B: Gene duplication C: Mobile genetic elements D: Exon rearrangement

    • 1

      基因打死(gene targeting)技术从概念上来看实际上就等同于基因做除(gene knock-out)技术・

    • 2

      1.以下哪几项属于中度重复序列( ) A: rRNA gene B: tRNA gene C: ncRNA gene D: 组蛋白gene

    • 3

      Which<br/>of following can cause the great variation of influenza virus and<br/>wide epidemic: A: gene<br/>reassortment B: gene recombination C: transduction D: transformation E: conjunction

    • 4

      Which<br/>of following can cause the great variation of influenza virus and<br/>wide epidemic:() A: gene<br/>reassortment B: gene<br/>recombination C: transduction D: transformation E: conjunction