• 2022-06-04
    The body of a while loop can contain at most one "break" statement and at most one "pass" statement.
  • 错误


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      What is the following statement about continue statement that is correct? A: When a multi-level loop is nested, all levels of the loop can be closed by using a single continue statement. B: The continue statement can be used in loops and switch statements. C: The continue statement closes the loop early to prevent it from becoming a dead loop. D: The continue statement can only be used in three loop statements.

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      Generally, the most useful nested if statement occurs when a second if-else statement is placed within the else part of an if-else statement.

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      In one body paragraph, the first sentence is usually a general statement called the ____________ sentence.

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      中国大学MOOC: Mt. Qingcheng, considered by many as the birthplace of Chinese local religion—Taoism, is one of the most famous Taoist mountains in China. The statement is ( ).

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      Mt. Qingcheng, considered by many as the birthplace of Chinese local religion—Taoism, is one of the most famous Taoist mountains in China. The statement is ( ). A: 正确 B: 错误