• 2021-04-14
    5. The living room and the dining room are painted blue. A. The living room B. the dining room C. The living room and the dining room
  • C


    • 0

      [听力原文]M: Tell me about your house.W: Well, it has a living room, a dining room and three bedrooms. How many bedrooms are there in the woman ’ s house() A: One. B: Two. C: Three. D: Four.

    • 1

      Listen to the statement and circle the appropriate letter. According to the statement, which of the following you might not use A: the television settled in your room B: table of the dining room C: meeting room

    • 2

      The living room (be)()always clean and tidy.

    • 3

      She was always the first entering the dining room and the last to leave it.()

    • 4

      C#中,新建一字符串变量str,并将字符串"Tom′sLivingRoom"保存到串中,则应该使用下列哪条语句() A: string str = "Tom\'s Living Room";  B: string str = "Tom's Living Room";  C: string str("Tom's Living Room");  D: string str("Tom"s Living Room");