• 2022-06-04
    A: outlook / ‘aut-luk/
    B: mist / mist/
    C: adjust / ə’dʒΛst/
    D: prince / ‘prins/
  • A


    • 0

      n.光荣;尊敬,敬意 A: exciting / ik’saitiŋ/ B: cruel / ‘kruəl/ C: honour / ‘ɔnə/ D: adjust / ə’dʒΛst/

    • 1

      Which is the topic of “Last night, thick mist made flying impossible”?? thick mist;|flying|light night;|impossible

    • 2

      n. the degree to which sth. is likely to happen; something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve sth. A: odds B: missile C: mist D: mayor

    • 3

      There was<br/>__________ on the mountain. A: panic B: shone C: faded D: mist

    • 4

      Green is a ______ of blue and yellow. A: matter B: material C: mist D: mixture