• 2022-06-04
    The basic procedures of import consist of four stages:stages of ______ , ______ , ______ and post events.
  • preparation:)negotiation:)dealing


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      Can you briefly introduce British educational system from four stages ?

    • 1

      Can you tell me the for applying for citizenship in this country A: procedures B: processes C: stages D: phases

    • 2

      Inquiry, offer, counter-offer, and acceptance are normally four stages in the course of international business negotiation.

    • 3

      In a push-pull strategy, some stages of the supply chain, typically the initial stages are operated in a push-based manner, while the remaining stages employ a pull-based strategy. The interface between the push-based stages and the pull-based stages is known as the . A:

    • 4

      British history has been a history of invasions . Can you describe its four stages ?