• 2021-04-14
    Curt Carlson was so happy because they landed at the airport safely at last.
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    • 0

      It must have rained last night,________the ground is wet. A: for B: because C: as D: so

    • 1

      He is so annoying because he is _____ on spreading gossips to strangers. A: happy B: big C: continuing D: fresh

    • 2

      Unit 3 Job InterviewWhat does the writer want to tell us by mentioning the New York cabdriver Wally and his mentor Curt Carlson? In what way is the tip suggested by the writer here will help a job seeker?

    • 3

      Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 9() A: Two soldiers hijacked a jet plane full of passengers in flight. B: The hijackers were captured after killing one of the hostages. C: A military unit arrested the hijackers with no one injured or killed. D: The hijacked plane landed safely at an airport in a neighboring country.

    • 4

      Were it not for the fact that there is dense fog in the destination airport, the flight ______ there? A: would land B: wouldn't land C: wouldn't have landed D: would have landed