• 2022-06-04
    If the doctor had been available, the child_________.
    A: would not die
    B: would have not died
    C: could not die
    D: could have not died
  • A


    • 0

      The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they ____ of hunger and cold. A: would B: will die C: would be dead D: would have died

    • 1

      The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food, without which they ______ of hunger and cold. A: would dead B: will die C: would be dead D: would have died

    • 2

      I did not attend the lecture by Pro. Jackson. I ____ but I ____ all this morning. A: would, have washed B: could, have been washing C: would have, have been washing D: could have, had washing

    • 3

      The boy would have died, ______ on him without delay. A: if the doctor didn’t operate B: if the doctor wouldn’t operate C: would the doctor not operate D: had the doctor not operated

    • 4

      He must have had an accident, or he ______ here then. A: should be B: B. would be C: could have been D: D. would have been