• 2022-06-04
    43. The E-med doctors will refer the patients to a hospital in London if__________.
    A: A. medical investigations cannot be arranged
    B: B. they think that further diagnosis is needed
    C: C. patients insist on being sent to the hospital
    D: D. patients are not satisfied with the diagnosis
  • B


    • 0

      Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, ________ they haveno schedules to keep.

    • 1

      Children in America today are denied the chance ______. A: to learn how to face death B: to visit dying patients C: to attend to patients D: to have access to a hospital

    • 2

      Children in America today are denied the chance of ______. A: attending to patients B: visiting dying patients C: having access to a hospital D: learning how to face death

    • 3

      In this hospital every nurse is required to attend to patients with great patience.

    • 4

      Which one is FALSE in the following options? A: A. The patients could leave after the suspicion is excluded. B: B. DR is not a recommended examination for the diagnosis of COVID-19. C: C. Spot checks of infection control should be taken randomly every week. D: D. Patients with fever must move along dedicated passage.