• 2022-06-04
    Mary is _________ a visit _________ China.
    A: on... at
    B: on... in
    C: on... to
  • C


    • 0

      If we feel for the writing jumps from on... sentences is clear.

    • 1

      原文:No matter what happens, he will go on...发生什么事,他都将一无反顾, 勇往直前。

    • 2

      I don’t think we should spend any more time on this question. “spend... on...” in this sentence means ______.

    • 3

      If the book you want is out on...果你想借阅的书籍已被借出,你可以怎么做?

    • 4

      If your employer can count ________ you for consistent work performance, you’ll stand________ from the crowd. A: in...at B: of...in C: on... out