• 2022-06-04
    She was poor, but she was confident.
  • She was poor, but confident.


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      In "Swimming in Socks", how did Elizabeth behave before the special swim night? A: She would be scared all the time and she talked about quitting swimming. B: She loved swimming very much so she was looking forward to it. C: She cut a deal with her father because she was confident in herself. D: She was confident and competitive enough to win the game.

    • 1

      Sara was quite confident that she could ________ the task on her own.

    • 2

      ________ in a poor family , she is used to a simple life.

    • 3

      She was a confident and outgoing girl, but the presence of the president reduced her ________ silence.

    • 4

      She is confident in her ability ____________ whatever weather conditions that may arise.