• 2022-06-05
    cell cycle non - specific agents:
  • 对各增殖期细胞均有杀灭作用的药物,如多数烷化剂和抗癌抗生素,称为周期非特异性药。


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      which one of the followings did not win Nobel Prize ? A: Programmed cell death B: Regulation of cell cycle C: telomere and telomerase D: RNA interference E: cell necrosis

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      3.2 During which phase of the cell cycle would a cell go into a quiescent state? A: G0 B: G1 C: G2 D: S

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      The five elements go in a specific order .It is () A: The Generating Cycle (sheng) B: The Controlling Cycle (kè) C: Do not affect each other D: mutual improvement

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      The sum of all the proteins functioning in a given cell is the cell's ____________, and proteomics is the systematic characterization of this protein complement under a specific set of conditions.

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      Which of the following statements is right? A: RB exerts anti-proliferative effects by controlling the G1-to-S transition of the cell cycle B: RB is a key positive regulator of the cell cycle C: The TP53 was the first tumor suppressor gene to be discovered by the study of retinoblastoma D: Malignant transformation is only derived from one of the normal RB alleles inactivated