• 2022-06-05
    ()means the price of one unit foreign currency in terms of domestic currency.
    A: Direct quotation
    B: Indirect
    C: American currency
    D: Normal quotation
  • A


    • 0

      the bid price is the price that A: the quoting bank is willing to sell a unit of foreign currency B: the quoting bank is willing to buy a unit of foreign currency C: the buyer is willing to buy a unit of foreign currency D: the seller is willing to sell a unit of foreign currency

    • 1

      Indirect quotation is the most commonly used quotation in the news broadcast.

    • 2

      A quotation is a written form response to an enquiry, telling the enquirer the price and other terms of transaction. In this sense, the term “_____” is often used as “quotation” in international trade, today. However, in practice, _____ is usually a “_____”.? offer, an offer, firm offer|quote, an offer, firm offer|offer, a quotation, firm offer|quotation, an offer, quotation

    • 3

      The price terms<br/>in the international trade contract include ( ) A: the measuring<br/>unit B: the amount of unit price C: currency D: trade terms E: the above all

    • 4

      Direct quotation