• 2021-04-14
    The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they _________of hunger and cold.
  • would have died


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      The local peasants gave the soldiers elothes and food ______ which they would have died of eold and hunger. A: without B: B. not C: C. to D: with

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      It’s cold outside. Put on some warm clothes, ______ you will catch cold. A: or B: but C: and D: yet

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      The general gave the order ____ the soldiers should cross the river at once. A: that B: which C: what D: if

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      We can live without clothes, but food and drink are ________to life. A: essential B: force C: appropriate D: emergency

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      We can live without clothes, but food and drink are______to life. A: vacant B: essential C: essay D: impossible