• 2021-04-14
    The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in longing.
  • 错误


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      According to the survey, more than 21,000 kilometers of the Great Wall survive in 15 provincial-level administrative regions across China.

    • 1

      It is _________since the Great Wall was built. A: more than 2000 years. B: 2000 years. C: less than 2000 years. D: None of above

    • 2

      The construction of the Great Wall took more than_________ and involved ________ .

    • 3

      He has made____ progress this term than before. A: great B: more great C: greater

    • 4

      The case is ______ anyone can imagine. A: a great deal more complicated than B: a lot of more complicated than C: as just complicated as D: far much complicated than