• 2022-06-05
    There are two university press in UK, one is _____ University Press and the other is ______University Press.
  • Oxford; Cambridge


    • 0

      Which are the two famous universities in the UK? A: Oxford University B: Cambridge University C: Harvard University D: Yale University

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      在JSTOR数据库中,以下哪种期刊没有被收录在出版社Chinese University Press的期刊列表中?

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      When two Maoris press their noses each other, it means that they are fighting or they are angry with each other. __________

    • 3

      “一所大学”的正确表述为_____ A: one university B: a university C: an university D: first university

    • 4

      ______is a non-residential university which offers degree and other courses for adult students of all ages in U. K. and other member countries of E. U.. A: The Open University B: The State University C: The Local University D: The Community University