• 2022-06-05
    What did three stars on a book mean in the public library in Miller’s youth?
  • Young people weren’t allowed to read them.


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      What did the librarian _____ (forbid; take) out of the library?

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      What is the largest public library in the United States A: The library of Harvard College. B: The Library of Congress. C: The library in Philadelphia. D: The library in New Englan

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      What did "going abroad" use to mean?

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      Bob, can you tell us (__) by saying that? A: what do you mean B: what you meant C: you mean what D: what did you mean

    • 4

      After borrowing book from the library, what do you need to do? A: Check the email box every day. B: Renew the book before it's due. C: Borrow another book.