• 2022-06-06
    5.Though he had been told many times he couldn’t understand it.
  • Having been told many times,he couldn’t understand it.


    • 0

      He had been confined to the box, so he ______. A: couldn't move B: could move C: couldn't sleep D: couldn't run away

    • 1

      He wasn't shocked by what he had been told, but he was ______ that it should have been said to him by his own daughter.

    • 2

      Angry _____ he was, he couldn't help smiling. A: though B: as

    • 3

      _______ the story many times, the child asked his grandma tried a new one. A: Had been told B: Having been told C: Having told D: Had told

    • 4

      The children _____ many times not to get closed to the fire. A. were being told B. have been told C. had been told D. told