• 2022-06-05
    Have you received the parcel? /........................... by you?
    A: Has the parcel been received
    B: Have the parcel been received
    C: Have the parcel received
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the italicized parts serves as an object? A: I have no intention of<br/>retiring just yet. B: He offered what he<br/>had to the<br/>charitable organization. C: She must have received the parcel<br/>that I sent yesterday. D: It is strongly advised that<br/>you go home now.

    • 1

      What should you do with the business card you have received?

    • 2

      He decides to have a party tomorrow evening. Have you received her _____( 邀请 )

    • 3

      智慧职教: You will still have to pay                the loan you received from the bank.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: I am going to have this parcel ____ .