• 2022-06-05
    Which one of the followings is not a stage in a consumer’s decision making journey?
    A: need recognition
    B: information search
    C: evaluate alternatives
    D: problem solving
    E: post-purchase evaluation
  • D


    • 0

      Being on one’s own means making one’s own ( ).(decision)

    • 1

      琳琳在每年例行体检中发现:虽然体重正常,但是内脏脂肪含量较高。朋友建议她关注减脂纤维,琳琳开始在小红书、知乎和百度贴吧了解减脂纤维的品牌和效用。请问,琳琳处于购买决策过程的什么阶段(<br/>) A: 问题/需求识别need<br/>recognition B: 信息收集<br/>information<br/>search C: 评估比较<br/>evaluation<br/>of alternatives D: 购买决策<br/>purchase<br/>decision

    • 2

      Information is a key ingredient A: at each stage of the supply chain. B: within each phase of supply chain decision making C: only at each stage of the supply chain. D: none of the above E: a and b only

    • 3

      Which of the following describe accounting? ( ) A: Is bookkeeping B: Is language of business C: Is an information system D: Is for decision making

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      Being on one’s own means making one’s own______. A: decide B: deciding C: decision D: to decide