• 2022-06-05
    Which of the following statements is NOT people's attitude towards smart phones?
    A: Millions of people embrace them wholeheartedly.
    B: Watching videos on them is the most favorite activity for many.
    C: Celebrities publicize their activities on social media sites on them.
    D: Social commentators are worried about them.
  • D


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      The passage listed many things we can do for the elderly people EXCEPT ______. A: Redecorate their homes B: Read books for them C: Prepare food for them D: Doing exercises with them.

    • 1

      What’s Sue’s attitude to difficult tasks(). A: She is unwilling to undertake them. B: She complains about her bad luck. C: She always accepts them cheerfully. D: She takes them on, though reluctantly.

    • 2

      Which of the following statements best sums up the function of the female characters in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? A: All of them play leading roles in the book B: All of them are weak in character and reliant on men C: All of them function around Huck Finn the male protagonist D: All of them hold critical attitude towards slavery

    • 3

      Where do many people eat hamburgers? Many people take them home to eat or eat them (1) _________ (2) ________.

    • 4

      What will people do if they receive long emails? A: Read them carefully. B: Delete or ignore them. C: Take them seriously. D: Read the subject line only.