• 2022-06-05
    In July Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport resumed its international service to ______.
    A: the whole world
    B: only four southeastern nations
    C: the Southeast Asian nations
    D: all Asian nations
  • C


    • 0

      3. The United Nations _____ (be) an international organization to maintain world peace and security.

    • 1

      智慧职教: International trade is only the exchange of goods between nations or regions.

    • 2

      Because of the outbreak of SARS, the airport ______. A: reduced its service to some regions B: reduced its service to all regions C: reduced its service to some areas while adding to some other regions D: canceled all its services to southeast Asian countries

    • 3

      This year, the United Nations observes the International Year of _____________________________.

    • 4

      The United Nations __________ (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN), charged with the maintenance of international peace and security as well as accepting new members to the United Nations and approving any changes to its United Nations Charter. A: Security Council B: Security Committee C: Secure Conference