• 2022-06-05
    ​House-sharing can bring problems of ______ with others’ living habits.‎
    A: putting forward
    B: putting off
    C: putting up
    D: putting aside
  • C


    • 0

      If you can’t turn the key, try () some oil in the lock. A: put B: putting C: to put D: to putting

    • 1

      The practice of putting up special decor...______ , and ______.

    • 2

      The thief was caught ___________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A: to put B: to be putting C: putting D: put

    • 3

      suggesting,英文解释为putting forward for consideration,中文翻译成:建议

    • 4

      2. Frank has solved the problem by putting up a notice.