• 2022-06-05
    In Britain, the day after Christmas is called().
    A: Easter
    B: New Year's Day
    C: Boxing Day
    D: Thanksgiving Day
  • C


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      Pantomime is a kind of play based on a traditional fairy tale and performed ______. A: at Easter B: on New Year’s Day C: at Christmas time D: on St. Patrick’s Day

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      What day is the day after Christmas in England?It is called .

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      Which festival aims to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in the U.K.? A: Christmas Day B: Easter C: New Year's Day D: Guy Fawkes night

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      Which of the following holidays is only celebrated in Canada? A: Thanksgiving B: Easter C: Boxing Day D: Victoria day

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      Which festival is originated from America? A: Easter B: Thanksgiving Day C: Mid-Autumn Day D: Christmas