• 2022-06-05
    If your flight is “delayed”’ your flight is _________.
    A: early
    B: on time
    C: late
    D: none of the above
  • C


    • 0

      The call button and reading light are above your head.Press the call button to summon a flight attendant.

    • 1

      Please inform us about your __________ time and flight number. A: arrive B: arrival C: arrivel

    • 2

      Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A: In your early twenties. B: In your late twenties or early thirties. C: In your late thirties. D: In your early forties.

    • 3

      John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been delayed by coronavirus.

    • 4

      To call a _____ _______(空乘), please press the button above your head. A: flight B: fly C: service D: attendant