• 2022-06-05
    You can make progress by combining theory with practice. (Only by…can…)
  • Only by combining theory with practice can you make progress.


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      事实证明,你练习得越多,你的进步就越大。 A: It is a fact that you practice more, you make more progress. B: It is a fact that the more you practice, the greater progress you make. C: The more you practice, the greater progress you make is a fact. D: You practice more, you make more progress is a fact.

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      3.Only in this way _____________ progress in your English. A: you make B: can you make C: you be able to make D: neither do I

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      If your goal is very long-term, it can be useful to break it up into ( ). This can help you measure your progress and make it manageable.

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      A new theory ______ before it can be put into practice. A: must be tested B: be tested C: can be tested D: to be tested

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      You can make progress in English _____ you try your best. A: efore B: unless C: whethe D: as long as