• 2022-06-05
    解决办法在于改善经济环境.The solutions _____ _____ the improvement of the economic environment.
  • lie#in


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      I disagree with the _______ that economic development has priority over the environment.

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      中国大学MOOC: ________ environment includes factors like economic conditions of public, economic policies of the country, and economic system.

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      ________ environment includes factors like economic conditions of public, economic policies of the country, and economic system. A: Economic B: Political C: Socio-cultural D: Technological

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      他一生致力于环境的改善。 A: He is devoted all his life to improving the environment. B: He is devoted all his life to improve the environment. C: He devoted all his life to improving the environment.

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      After<br/>a few years of economic boom, economic crises and( )are becoming<br/>something new. A: recessions B: struggles C: solutions D: receipts