• 2022-06-06
    What do you call your mother's brother?
  • uncle


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      —— ____________?—— I want to travel around the world someday. A: What’s your career? B: What’s your dream? C: What do you do? D: How do you do?

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      You are having a conversation with your colleague and the phone rings. What do you do A: Get the caller’s phone number, and call him/her back. B: Tell your colleague to wait. C: Answer the phone and put the caller on hold.

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      中国大学MOOC: Tell your mother, your brother, sister, your (7)__, your uncle, a friend. If there is one thing you do today, just one thing, get a business online.

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      Your mother's sister's daughter should(应该)call your father .

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      A:_________________________________B:He likes playing football. A: What's your brother like? B: What does your brother like? C: What does your brother look like?