• 2022-06-06
    29. I was shocked by the conditions in the factory, which _____ definite health and safety hazards.
    A: constituted
    B: masked
    C: enclosed
    D: consolidated
  • A


    • 0

      In which part should information about corporate policies regarding work environment, public relations, health and safety, etc. be included? ( )

    • 1

      The factory _______ I worked for has been closed. A: whom B: that C: who D: which

    • 2

      The unsatisfactory conditions of the factory resulted ______ a sit-down strike. A: on B: in C: from D: of

    • 3

      I heard ()running is good for the health A: that B: what C: whether D: which

    • 4

      This is the factory ________ he used to work. This is the factory ________ we visited yesterday. A: which;where B: that;that C: which; which D: where;which