• 2022-06-06
    The accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) causes global warming by letting sunlight into the atmosphere as _______. Then, when the earth re-radiates the heat back to space, the gases trap the energy in the form of outgoing ______.
    A: visible light, ultraviolet radiation
    B: infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation
    C: ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation
    D: infrared radiation, radio waves
  • C


    • 0

      The light emitted by the LED is incoherent light, and its basic principle is . A: spontaneous radiation B: stimulated absorption C: stimulated radiation D: spontaneous absorption

    • 1


    • 2

      The energy is transferred from one region to another by three modes of heat transfer:(),(),and radiation .

    • 3

      A ______ refers to an injury caused by heat, fire or radiation, etc.

    • 4

      2. What causes the Earth to be warmer according to the video clip? A: The atmosphere. B: The greenhouse gases. C: The sunbeams. D: The radiation from the outer space.