• 2022-06-06
    A book is like a gardencarried in the pocket.
  • 书是随身携带的花园。


    • 0

      查询“图书”表中书名含有“计算机”的图书信息,正确的选项是______。 A: select * from book where bname like ‘_计算机_’ B: select * from book where bname like ‘_计算机%’ C: select * from book where bname like ‘%计算机_’ D: select * from book where bname like ‘%计算机%’

    • 1

      1.-----Good morning. Room ____...like to book a room.

    • 2

      A valuable book is just like the best friend

    • 3

      I'd like to book a deluxe suite.

    • 4

      A valuable book is just like the best friend.