• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: Both his parents are ________ (vague) about where he is at the moment.
  • vague


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      中国大学MOOC: He wrote a book about his ___________(experience; experiences) in the war.

    • 1

      He’s still crazy _______ both his work and his hobbies. A: about B: in C: with D: during

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      中国大学MOOC:"The lady talked about Africa for the next 45 minutes, never ____ Carnegie again about where he had been or what he had seen.";

    • 3

      After he lost his job, he had to depend on his parents for the money or food that he needed. A: live off his parents B: hung up on their parents C: come in handy with his parents D: in turn to his parents

    • 4

      【单选题】Why did he feel that he was letting his parents down? A. He owed his parents too much money. B. His parents couldn’t see his image. C. He let his parents pay the tuition for him. D. He didn’t live up to his parents’ expectations