• 2022-06-06
    8. The local government has begun a _______ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.
    A: protest
    B: punishment
    C: protection
    D: project
  • D


    • 0

      The traffic department has taken effective measures to ________ the traffic accidents.[1分]

    • 1

      The decision of the city government has actually worsened the traffic situation in that city. A: aggravated B: B. aggrandized C: C. alarmed D: D. revitalized

    • 2

      Thousands of people turn out into streets to ______ against the project put forward by the local authorities. A: contradict B: reform C: counter D: protest

    • 3

      (Face) _______ with the serious challenge of traffic jams, the local government began to deal with the problem seriously.

    • 4

      These trees are green. Don't ______. A: cut down it B: cut it down C: cut down them D: cut them down