• 2022-06-06
    There is ______ coverage of the World Cup final on all major sports channels.
    A: long
    B: extensive
    C: whole
    D: full
    E: entire
  • B,D


    • 0

      随着因特网的发展,世界各地的人们都可以热热闹闹地同时观赏世界杯了。 A: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watch the World Cup with high spirits. B: With developing of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy to watching the World Cup with highest spirits. C: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watching the World Cup with high spirit. D: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watching the World Cup with high spirits.

    • 1

      According to the last two paragraphs, the Tottenham Hotspur ______. A: lost the Final Cup by 2-1 B: won the Final Cup by 2-2 C: lost the Final Cup by 2-3 D: won the Final Cup by 3-1

    • 2

      7. Lots of information, including a full schedule of the World Cup and a ________ about each match, is available on this website.

    • 3

      A: Would you like a cup of coffee?B: No, I am all _____. A: full B: set C: got D: bitter

    • 4

      France's early exit ______ the World Cup is a pity for all the fans. A: to B: of C: from D: off