• 2022-06-06
    The room was decorated in reds and yellows.
    A: happy
    B: vibrant
    C: dark
    D: deep
  • B


    • 0

      The room is dim and quiet. A: tiny B: pleasant C: dark D: agreeable

    • 1

      The room is dim and quiet.() A: tiny B: pleasant C: dark D: agreeable

    • 2

      The room is gloomy but tidy. A: tiny B: pleasant C: dark D: agreeable

    • 3

      There’s the living room still to be ________, so that’s my next project. A: abandoned B: decorated C: dissolved D: assessed

    • 4

      Which of the following did the caller have decorated A: All the rooms. B: The living room. C: The living room and the kitchen.