• 2022-06-06
    In what way is a bank credit card different from a store credit account
    A: It can be presented at any place.
    B: The holder can use it at his bank only.
    C: It is not used at a shop only, but at almost all kinds of business where there is a bank card sign.
    D: It can be used only at the bank where the card is issued.
  • C


    • 0

      If you are a new-comer to the US, you may not be entitled to____________. A: a credit card B: a debit card C: a bank account in the federal credit union D: a bank account in a larger bank with better credit and better service

    • 1

      1. Credit card before 1950 can only be used at one merchant. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 2

      With an unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit, ___________. A: the terms and conditions can be amended or cancelled unilaterally by any party B: only the exporter can amend the credit C: the advising bank transmits details without commitment to the beneficiary D: the issuing bank has the ability to cancel the credit at any time

    • 3

      Credit cards are issued by a credit card issuer, such as a bank, after an account has been approved by the credit provider, after which the card holder can use it to make purchases at merchants accepting that card.先在信用卡发行人(比如银行)处开设帐户,然后再由发行人发行信用卡。之后持卡人就可到信用卡受理商家购买商品。

    • 4

      信用卡用英文怎么说? A: ID card B: credit card C: bank card D: /